When: September 14, 2:00 PM
Where: Zoom meeting, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2829710099?pwd=R1o5RUNSZDI5L2NUNmZ4SkhnV2FSQT09
Meeting ID: 282 971 0099
Passcode: 97040
1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
PLEASE CALL OR TEXT JAYME BENNETT IF YOU HAVE TECHNICAL ISSUES: 541-490-7411 jayme.bennett@cityofmosier.com
I. Call to Order: Terry Moore/Witt Anderson
II. Acknowledgement of circulation of notes of attendance and link to audio file for minutes III. Public Comment
IV. BUSINESS: (1.5 hours)
- (45 MINS) Best Value Engineering/Cost Savings Approach Review (KN/Jason Terry/Anderson)
- (15 MINS) Review of Fundraising Scope of Work, Next Steps, Plan (Jill B. Committee)
- (10 MINS) Next Steps (Full Dual Participation or Not)– Public Involvement (Anderson)