Mosier City Council Agenda & Executive Session, on 10/16

When: October 16, 2024, 6:00 P.M.
Where: In-person at Mosier Senior Center, 500 E. 2nd Ave., Mosier,
OR via Zoom,
Meeting ID: 868 9854 0229
Passcode: 97040
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,2829710099#,,,,*97040# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,2829710099#,,,,*97040# US (Houston)

Contact Colleen Coleman at [email protected] or phone 541.490.9758 for any special accommodation requests at least 48 hours before the meeting. Oregon Relay Service 1-800-735-2900.


I6:00 pm               Call to Order/Roll Call –  Mayor Anderson
II6:02Agenda corrections or additions
III6:05 pmBusiness from the Audience – This is for Mosier residents and anyone else to express concerns, needs, or opportunities.  Please keep your comments succinct and under two minutes.
IV6:10 pm Approval of: Minutes (postponed)
1.6:12 pm Announcement of Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(b) – To consider the disciplining of or to hear complaints brought against an employee who does not request an open hearing; and ORS 192.660(2)(f) – To consider information or records that are exempt by law from public inspection. Mayor Anderson
2.6:15 pm Recess Open Meeting; Convene in Executive Session (closed to the public)
3.7:15 (estimated) Adjourn Executive Session
4.7:15 (estimated) Resume Open Meeting: Any actions resulting from Executive Session 
5.7:30 (estimated) ADJOURN

4 Replies to “Mosier City Council Agenda & Executive Session, on 10/16”

  1. Jonathan Richardson

    Is this weird meeting about Jaime? Is she not there anymore? Why isn’t this posted where we know what is going on like the other times ?

    There is the election and open seats on council and she is missing from everything. Does council live in Mosier or are they in Mosier?

  2. Mosier resident

    I was looking for the meeting for vacant council seat information also and this wasn’t there until late last night so I’m confused as well, is Jayme not doing the elections or notices? and why is it at 6 and not 6:30 and why couldn’t we find this until late last night?

  3. Gary Lindemyer

    My name is Gary Lindemyer. Around September 10th, or 11th I submitted an application for the council vacancy to the City Manager. I received a voice message back on the 12th, followed by texting back and forth on the 18th. There has been no follow up since then. I’m wondering what next steps I need to take to continue the process if the vacancy is still needing to be filled. Jayme seemed quite interested in my 30 year experience working with the Public Works, Engineering, and Planning Departments at the City of Hood River. I would be happy to resubmit my application if needed. Thank you for your time.

Comments are closed.


[email protected]
PO Box 456
Mosier, OR 97040
Phone: 877-319-8467 / 541-478-3505
Fax: 877-553-3601 / 541-478-3810

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