The City of Mosier has two business-related zones, C (commercial) and I (industrial). This map illustrates where each is. Zone C is blue, while Zone I is the black hatching.

For all the details on business activity and requirements in these zones, see Municipal Code Title 15. Below are some key facts.
Zone C Prohibited Uses
- Drive through facilities where the building is 200 sq.ft. or larger
- Commercial uses with a footprint larger than 25,000 sq.ft.
- Outside storage
- Recreational vehicle park
- Formula take-out restaurant, such as a fast food operation.
- Aggregate resource extraction and processing and accessory uses, including
hauling, crushing and batching
Zone I Conditional Uses
Light industrial uses may be permitted which take place inside an enclosed building and accessory uses including transportation, loading, unloading and temporary staging.
Zone I Prohibited Uses
Aggregate resource extraction and processing and accessory uses – including crushing, hauling and batching – are prohibited.