Due to COVID-19 and Oregon Health Authority warnings, the City of Mosier declared a state of emergency at 7:30 p.m., March 18, 2020. City offices are closed for in-person visits, with staff working from home.
Contact Information:
- Jayme Bennett, City Recorder for utility billing and finance questions at [email protected] or 541.490.7411.
- Colleen Coleman, City Manager at [email protected] or 541.490.9758 or all other questions regarding City Operations, Land Use Permits or Food Security issues.
- Mike Renault, Mosier Fire Chief, 541.478.3333
- If you have an emergency, dial 911
Stay Safe!
Wasco County Commissioner, Kathy Schwartz, former director of public health says, “the most important single thing everyone can do to prevent the spread of this virus is to stay home and practice social distancing.”
- For more information and updates on COVID-19: https://govstatus.egov.com/OR-OHA-COVID-19
- Hoja informativa Nuevo Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Español
- Fact sheet for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) from OHA in English
- Mosier Senior Center Lunches Take out only – Monday and Wednesday – email Kathy Long at [email protected]
- Columbia Gorge Food Bank https://www.oregonfoodbank.org/about-us/locations/the-dalles/
- Fish Food Bank, Hood River https://www.fish-food-bank.com/
- Meals on Wheels, The Dalles 541.298.8333
- Meals on Wheels, Hood River 541.386.2060 http://www.hrvac.org/meals.htm