You can stay on top of when the Council is meeting and what the agenda will be. Just fill out this form!
We will only use the email address you provide for the purposes of sending you the meeting emails.
You are here: Home » Government » About the City of Mosier Government » Mosier City Council » City Council Meeting Newsletter Sign-up
You can stay on top of when the Council is meeting and what the agenda will be. Just fill out this form!
We will only use the email address you provide for the purposes of sending you the meeting emails.
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PO Box 456
Mosier, OR 97040
Phone: 877-319-8467 / 541-478-3505
Fax: 877-553-3601 / 541-478-3810
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Sundays through Oct. 20 means Art in the Park, from 10am to 2pm in Totem Plaza. Local artisans, makers, and farmers will be exhibiting their
New ‘Art in the Park’ in Mosier
MOSIER — “Art in the Park” takes place Sundays at Totem Plaza, Mosier, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. each week through Oct 20.