Mosier City Council Meeting, on 4/17

When: Wed. 4/17 at 6:30 PM
Where: Zoom meeting,

Meeting ID: 282 971 0099

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I6:30 Call to Order: Mayor Witt Anderson
II Agenda Corrections or Additions/ ANNOUNCEMENTS
III Business from the Audience – This is for Mosier residents and anyone else to express concerns, needs, or opportunities.  Please keep your comments succinct and under two minutes.  You may bring in written materials for Committee and Staff to review.  The Facilitator can assign the issue to a future Committee, or to an appropriate staff member.  Please realize that we cannot always offer a response immediately but will give the matter due consideration. We encourage the participation of all stakeholders in our community.
IV 3/20 Meeting Minutes Approval
1.6:35EV Charging Station Services – David Skakel
2.6:45Pros / Cons for Methods of Charging for Water in the Gorge – Finn Cargo  
3.6:55Short Term Rental Permit Fee – Staff
4.7:05Policy: Water /Sewer Rate Subsidy / Mid-Columbia Community Action Council
5.7:102024 Budget Schedule – Staff
6.7:15Project Updates: Well #5, Hub Restrooms, Rock Creek Park (restoration/gate operation/pass sales), Mosier Center, EV Charging Station
7:25Lighting Updates – Staff

PO Box 456
Mosier, OR 97040
Phone: 877-319-8467 / 541-478-3505
Fax: 877-553-3601 / 541-478-3810

City of Mosier on Facebook

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