
  • Mosier Groundwater Study

    After the train derailment, the City requested that UPRR do some significant ground water testing and research to ensure that the wells in Mosier are not susceptible to contamination.  The…

  • Mosier Citizens Needed!

    …for the Mosier Budget Committee.  This volunteer position is a three year commitment that usually only requires one meeting a year.  Click HERE for the application form. The budget committee…

  • City Appropriations Program for Community Organizational Support

    Every year the City Council reviews applications for limited funding of small community organizations.  The submission deadline has been extended this year to  April 1st.  The City Council will make…

  • Request for Qualifications: City Attorney

    The City of Mosier is seeking an Oregon qualified licensed attorney to represent the city in a contracted position of City Attorney as authorized by the Mosier City Council. Mosier…

  • Community Open House

  • Ice Storm Forecasted for Mosier 1/17

    For Info: Wasco County Emergency Management Hotline:  541-506-2792 Please help yourself and your neighbor by: 1.  Prevent collapses by removing snow from flat roofs and surfaces now. 2.  Clear storm…

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[email protected]
PO Box 456
Mosier, OR 97040
Phone: 877-319-8467 / 541-478-3505
Fax: 877-553-3601 / 541-478-3810

City of Mosier on Facebook

City of Mosier

3 days 21 hours ago

On this day 100 years ago... From The Hood River Glacier: The board of the YWCA held a bazaar in the school auditorium Saturday evening,

City of Mosier

4 days 14 hours ago

Mosier City Council Meeting this week! WHEN: Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at 6pm WHERE: Zoom meeting, us02web.zoom.us/j/2829710099?pwd=R1o5RUNSZDI5L2NUNmZ4SkhnV2FSQT09&omn=86126145028 Meeting ID: 282 971 0099 Passcode: 97040 AGENDA

City of Mosier

1 week 21 hours ago

From now through February, the US Forest Service will conduct occasional pile burning in the areas of Catherine Creek and 7 Mile Hill. Burns only