Bike Hub & Mosier Center Plaza

Artist's rendering of what the bike hub might look like

View an assortment of conceptual drawings and images that suggest what the end result might look like.

Regional Tourism / Economic Development Located on the Historic Hwy, the new plaza and bike hub will provide information, restrooms & services for the 2 million tourists who travel through the Gorge each year. These numbers doubled after the Eagle Creek Fire pushing hikers and bikers East to our area. This activity has stimulated local entrepreneurs, restaurateurs and developers to open and expand their businesses over the last two years, improving sustainability and job security for the local workforce.

Community Gathering Space for Wider Valley & Regional Partners Mosier is the civic and social hub for over 2000 residents and many community organizations in the wider Mosier valley. The plaza and bike hub will include a home for Mosier Farmers Market as well as Friends of the Gorge educational gatherings and outdoor science education for K-12 students. Annual events such as the MosierFest Concert series and Mosier Holiday Celebration will also have a home here.

Equity and Inclusion Mosier Center Plaza and Bike Hub will be free and open to all local citizens and visitors alike. It will serve the growing Latinx community, now 34.5% of the City’s population. It will also encourage visitors to stay in town and patronize local businesses.

COST: $979,000




CONTACT: Mosier City Hall (see right)

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[email protected]
PO Box 456
Mosier, OR 97040
Phone: 877-319-8467 / 541-478-3505
Fax: 877-553-3601 / 541-478-3810

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